Thursday, August 3, 2017

تم إنتقال المدونة إلى

مرحباً أعزائي-عزيزاتي :)

تم إنتقال مدوني إلى

* تحكم كامل للموقع ، من CSS و HTML و JavaScript
* كتابة المقالات بإستخدام Markdown
* تعتمد المدونة على و الذي هو مولد موقع ثابت قوي ، مبني على الـ NodeJS
* تحكم أكثر بستايل الكود
* دعم إتجاه الكتابة من اليسار إلى اليمين في عرض مقالات الصفحة الرئيسية
* إستخدام خط قمرية الجميل 

آملاً أن أراكم هناك 🙂
شكراً Blogger على حسن ضيافتك لمدونتي خلال السنين المضت 😘

Moved to

Hello dears,
My new site has moved to


* Full control of my whole site, including its layout, CSS, HTML and JavaScript
* Writing articles is done using Markdown
* Based on, a powerful static site generator written in NodeJS 
* Customized code highlighting
* Support for right-to-left writing (.e.g, Arabic)
* Customized fonts

I hope to see you there 🙂

Thank you Blogger for your generous hosting of my blog 😘

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Linux terminal Arabic support for Gnome 3.16

Salam (or Hello :) ) everyone,
I've spent a couple of time on figuring out how to correctly display Arabic characters on the Gnome Terminal under Fedora 22 (Gnome 3.16).

At first, I have:

as you can see, the Arabic characters are disconnected (unbidden) to each other, which is wrong and ugly at the same time.

The solution
1) if you didn't installed freebidi, you can have it by typing:
sudo dnf install fribidi.x86_64

2) then type:
to enable the bidirectional characters display.

If you want to enable bicon all the time in the terminal, I mean, if you restart your terminal, you have to re-type bicon again to enable bidirectional display.

Warning: this caused my Gnome 3.16.2 gdm to freeze or failed to start after login!
So, all what you have to do is to edit the .bashrc file and add the script (taken from here) inside .bashrc file:
# hack to launch bicon if not launched
if ! [[ "$(ps -p $(ps -p $(echo $$) -o ppid=) -o comm=)" =~ 'bicon'* ]]; then

To accomplish this, type in the Terminal:
nano .bashrc

and then add the script above to enable bicon at the startup of the Terminal.

And that is it :)

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Gradle 21 missing packages on Fedora 22

When I tried to build a project under Fedora 22, with Gnome 16.2, in Android Studio 1.3, I got the
following error:

Error:org.gradle.process.internal.ExecException: A problem occurred starting process 'command '~/android-sdk-linux/build-tools/21.1.2/aapt'' :app:mergeDebugResources FAILED Error:Execution failed for task ':app:mergeDebugResources'.

the solution was to install the 32-bit (i686) version of libstdc++:

$ sudo dnf install libstdc++.i686

then, I got another error from Gradle complaining about missing libz.

the soultion was to install the 32-bit (i686) version of it under Fedora (rpm)

$ sudo dnf install zlib.i686

And that is all, you should now have your Gradle working good.

Monday, August 3, 2015

PPPoE in Fedora 22 Gnome 3.16

1) type in the terminal:
$ nmcli connection add type pppoe con-name office ifname eno1 username abdulmomen@office password 'HighwW , sighW'

you should see:
Connection 'office' (9913272c-141e-488f-91b6-263b77018250) successfully added.

2) continue in being in the Terminal and type:
$ nmcli connection up office
and a message like this should appear to you:
Connection successfully activated (D-Bus active path: /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/3)

And, now you should have a PPPoE connection in your Fedora 22 Gnome desktop edition.

Thanks to Mustafa Muhammad for his help :)

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Hello NDK with Android Studio 1.3

After surfing the Web for a couple of hours trying to figure out how to execute C\C++ code with AndroidStudio 1.3 and gradle 1.2.3, the 'bull's-eye' solution I fount was on Stackoverflow and its code on GitHub.

I don't want to copy-paste the solution here, you can see how the answer steps clearly.

Thanks :)

Friday, March 20, 2015

هكذا تبدو الأرض خلال الكسوف للشمس

حيث يمكن مشاهدة ظل القمر يعتم جزءاً من الأرض.
هذا الظل ، يتحرك حول الأرض بسرعة 2000 كم\ساعة تقريباً.
فقط المشاهدون (المناطق) في وسط هذا الظل يمكنهم مشاهدة
الكسوف الكلي للشمس، بينما الآخرون يرون كسوفاً جزئياً.
هذه الصورة الرائعة تم أخذها في الشهر 8 عام 1999 من
قبل محطة الفضاء Mir space station ، حيث أنهت هذهِ المحطة
خدمتها بعد أكثر من 10 سنوات من الأعمال الرائعة و المنتجة
لصور في الفضاء.